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A Support Hero With Unparalleled Healing Abilities

Mercy: A Guardian Angel on the Overwatch Battlefield

A Support Hero with Unparalleled Healing Abilities

Mercy, whose real name is Dr. Angela Ziegler, is a Swiss doctor who provides essential medical support to her team in Overwatch. As a Support hero, Mercy possesses unparalleled healing abilities, making her a crucial member of any team.

Valkyrie Suit: Mercy's Ultimate Ability

One of Mercy's most significant abilities is Valkyrie, her ultimate. When activated, Mercy dons her Valkyrie Suit, which grants her several enhancements. These include increased mobility, the ability to fly, and a powerful beam that heals or damage boosts multiple allies. Valkyrie allows Mercy to become an even more effective healer and support for her team.


Mercy is an essential hero in Overwatch, providing vital healing and support to her team. Her Valkyrie Suit transforms her into a veritable guardian angel, capable of keeping her allies alive and helping them overcome even the most challenging battles.
